Banking and finance

Our team advises and assists financial and banking/investment service providers and institutions both on all regulatory issues likely to arise.

Our services include drafting and updating necessary documentation for the provision of their professional services. Our work also covers the contractual relationships between licensed service providers and their clients, in all respects from client documentation (including account agreements, financial services agreements or investment management mandates) or documentation relating to their professional/ethical rules (KYC procedures, operational/monitoring processes, marketing/distribution of financial products…)

We advise our banking/institutional clients on recurring and topical changes in rules and regulations applying to all aspects of their businesses (AIFMD, UCITS, MIFs, anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing regulations…)

We further advise them in their dealings with regulatory bodies in respect of licenses (both in terms of scope of services and type of financial products) and at all stages in banking/financial litigation (including pre-litigation work), before disciplinary authorities (Sanctions Committees of the French AMF or ACPR) and Courts.

Our experience and expertise in the sector also extend to offering efficient advice to our clients on the full spectrum of compliance issues (operations, business, products, etc.).

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