Aviation Law

We have recognised expertise in aviation law, and our clients – including airlines, insurers, and aircraft manufacturers – turn to us for help with their thorniest legal issues. Our team is made up of lawyers who specialize in handling legal matters relating to aviation law or having obtained degrees in specialized aviation law programs (IFURTA, master’s degree in international transport law, etc.). Our commentaries on topical issues and / or evolutions in relevant French and EU case law are regularly published in specialised journals.

We advise and represent our clients in all areas of aviation law, including:

  • Aviation regulations and flight authorizations.
  • Air transport contracts and disputes relating to delays, cancellations, overbooking, luggage, and accidents.
  • Civil and criminal liability of air operators, airports, air traffic controllers and service providers.
  • Relations with travel agents and tour operators.
  • Horizontal agreements between airlines (including code share arrangements).

In acting for airlines, we deal with administrative and airport authorities (French DGAC, ACNUSA, COHOR concession holders, etc.). We also accompany their French branches in all operational aspects (corporate, commercial, employment, tax …).

Our members specializing in aviation law are integrated into our “Aeronautics, rail and other transport” sector practice.

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