Competition / Antitrust

Our team has an extensive experience in merger control, antitrust and state aid.

In State aid we have developed a recognised practice, with a particular focus on restructuring operations and on setting-up public-private financing schemes.

State aid

  • Advice and litigation before the European Commission and the European Courts
  • State Aid notifications
  • Restructuring operations
  • Set-up of public-private financing schemes
  • Search for grants and support for application files

Merger control

  • Analysis of the controllability of transactions before the Competition authorities (France, Europe and abroad)
  • Merger fillings before the Competition authorities (France, Europe and multifilings)
  • Ex-ante Compliance

Antitrust & Restrictive Practices

  • Horizontal/vertical agreements and abuse of individual/collective dominant position
  • Significant imbalance, unfair and unlawful termination of established business relationship, resale at a loss, payment terms and unfair competition
  • Antitrust investigations


  • Competition Law Compliance Audits
  • Compliance Programs
  • Competition Compliance in Codes of Conduct, Codes of Ethics and Ethical Charter
  • E-learning or on-site training for employees and Compliance Officers
  • Foreign direct Investment Control Regime

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