Intellectual property, art and media

Our team has proven expertise across a full range of intellectual property issues, with capabilities to both advise and represent clients in dispute-related matters.

We support French and international clients, mainly on legal issues related to trademarks, copyright, industrial designs and models, and patents.

Our broad skill-set allows us to efficiently ensure the protection and defense of our clients’ intellectual property rights. In this capacity, we regularly act before the different intellectual property rights protection offices (INPI, EUIPO, OMPI).

We also ensure negotiating and drafting all types of industrial and intellectual property contracts.

We are involved in complex dispute resolution related to counterfeiting and unfair competition before both French court and international courts, or by means of mediation or arbitration.

We also act before European Union courts (Tribunal and Court of Justice) and regularly work with customs officials to combat counterfeiting and ensure the protection of our clients’ rights.

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